We’ve accomplished so much already by working together - and we will do much more - but your assistance is critical. While we ask you to send your tax-deductible donations to the Preservation Fund as soon as possible (our year end is December 31st), please also consider the following:
- Note that, if you are age 70½ or older, you can still donate up to $100,000 of your retirement distribution to charity this year and avoid paying taxes on those dollars. Rather than counting as a deduction, the amount gifted to charity is simply excluded from income. This makes the strategy particularly beneficial for those who now take the standard deduction instead of itemizing. Consult your financial advisor for your options.
- You can designate the Preservation Fund as a beneficiary of your estate. A number of members have decided to include us in their estate planning.
- You can designate the Preservation Fund as a beneficiary of an I.R.A. so that the money you leave to us will go directly to good works rather than being subject to high taxes.
- A number of members have had their contributions matched under their employer’s matching gift program. Please check your company’s matching gift program to see if it will match your deductible contribution to the Preservation Fund.
- Please consider establishing a stream of support. It means so much to the Preservation Fund to have your ongoing contributions.